
Title in English Un-typical

DAGMAR Holá VARGOVÁ Veronika VIERA Hincová MICHAL Roškaňuk

Year of publication 2024
Type Editorship of scientific publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Peter Wharmby is a British secondary school teacher and father of a young daughter. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of 34. The educator gives us a deeply self-reflective account of how he perceives and experiences things, and shows us how an autistic child can react when he misunderstands a situation that can trigger a meltdown/seizure. He explores why autistic people are seen as challenging when they are otherwise people who fight for justice, for fair play... Wharmby also draws on the experiences of hundreds of other autistic people he has interviewed. He has written the book with typical autistic dry humour. It is readable, idea after idea, the author is critical of himself, but often also of so-called ordinary people. He explores the concept of double empathy. It deals with special interests in autistic people, stimming, masking... also less explored behaviours such as pathological avoidance of demands. The author also gives practical advice to teachers and teaching assistants.
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