MemoVision software

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Year of publication 2023
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Software MemoVision je analytický nástroj, dostupný přes webové prostředí, pomocí kterého lze extrahovat informace z hudebních nahrávek a navzájem je porovnávat.
Description MemoVision software is a web-based analysis tool that extracts information from music recordings and compares them to each other. This software combines a user-friendly interface with a state-of-the-art methods. It aims to utilize the methods of music information retrieval for the goals of music performance analysis and focus primarily on a comparative analysis–computing and analyzing differences between multiple versions of the same musical piece. Users can upload audio recordings, metadata, ground-truth measure annotations, and binary labels. Then, the software extracts features and information from all recordings and provides useful cues based on selected features and labels. Users can play back a specific range of measures, create their own areas of interest, or visualize performance data and differences between individual recordings or groups of recordings. The MemoVision tool combines methods of synchronization and feature selection to provide insight into performance data together with further visualization options.
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