Sídliště kultury nálevkovitých pohárů v Opavě – Jaktaři

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Title in English The settlement of the funel beacker culture in Opava-Jaktař


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Badania archeologiczne na Górnym Śląsku i ziemiach pogranicznych w latach 2003 – 2004
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Roman period; funel beacker culture
Description The archaeological research was passing though from 19. 3. 2004 till 2. 6. 2004 and also from 9. 8. 2004 till 27. 8. 2004 in Opava-Jaktař on „U stotol“ and „Bruntálská cesta“. It discovered a part of the settlement of the funel beacker culture culture. In addition cooking hollows were found, they had their bottoms inlaid with river rolling-stones dating by some research workers back to the Roman period.
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