Test studijních předpokladů a jeho hodnocení uchazeči o studium na MU

Title in English Learning potential test and its evaluation by applicants for studies at MU


Year of publication 2011
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Since 2008 Masaryk University uses elektronic questionnaire for getting feedback for the Learning potential test (TSP) from applicants who filled in the test. The questionnaire is made accessible through their online application form shortly after they go through the test and find out their results. The questionnaire also finds out whether Masaryk University is their only choice and if not, then which other university they choose and what influences their choice. This poster briefly summerizes results from three years of using this method. It shows how TSP is percieved as a whole and which particular parts are considered the most difficult and which are the easiest, how applicant evaluate quality of processing TSP and so on. Furthermore it presents results found out during comparison of TSP evaluation by applicants in 2010 and their results in this test.

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