Integrační jevy v jazyce internetového sportovního zpravodajství v angličtině

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Title in English Integration phenomena in the language of online sportscasting in English


Year of publication 2008
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The presentation addresses integration phenomena in the discourse of live text commentary. There is (1) functional integration (ideational, interpersonal, textual, manifested by orientation to other functions than information-provision, (the latter is sometimes backgrounded, with other functions, i.e. expressive, phatic, conative, poetic as well as matalinguistic, emerging as dominant). Then, there is (2) integration of narrative layers of the text and (3) integration of different voices in the text, which results in heteroglossia. Although the voices sometimes appear to be in mutual confrontation, this is not actual verbal aggression but mock play whose rules the participants implicitly adopt.
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