Tractanda talenta or The Parable of the Talents in Juvencus’ epic Evangeliorum libri quattuor (Analysis and hexametric translation)



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Svet v kríze - od staroveku po súčasnosť : Recenzovany´ zborni´k z medzina´rodného doktorandského sympózia z oblasti spoločenských a humanitných vied
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Biblical epic; Juvencus; the Parable of the Talents; versification; dactylic hexameter
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Description Our paper discusses the versified adaptation of the Gospel Evangeliorum libri quattuor by Juvencus, focusing upon his poetic version of the Parable of the Talents. Apart from numerous stylistic modifications of the original, it reveals the author’s omnipresent apologetic purpose, an attempt to interpret the parable in a way to prevent it from being misrepresented by its potential pagan critics. The paper concludes with our own hexametric translation of the parable.
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