Project information
The Role of Parents as Educational and Social Partners of the Scholl

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2001 - 1/2003
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts

The central topic of the project is parents. Particularly parents of children at the pre-primary, primary and lower secondary level of education, e. i. parents of those children who either have not entered the compulsory education yet or are right in the process of it. We aim at parents as necessary actors of upbringing and education of their own children and at parents who in the imaginatory triangle of the relationships form another necessary apex apart from the child and the teacher. We aim at parent s who with their opinions and attitudes, even those unspoken and unexpressed, substantially influence the work of schools and school changes in general and form a potentially very strong political group. The goal of the project is to contribute to the an swers to questions connected with the role of parents as educational and social partners of the school. Arguments for their involving in the educational process of the school are well-known at the general level. We are interested in the question to what


Total number of publications: 23

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