
Doctoral degree in full-time or combined form. The language of instruction is Czech.

The programme can be studied only as a single subject.

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Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2025/2026 (beginning: Autumn 2025)
Submission deadline until midnight 30 April 2025.

What will you learn?

The Doctoral Degree Programme in Psychology is primarily open to applicants with a Master’s degree in Psychology, or, in exceptional cases, applicants with a Master’s degree in other, related fields concerned with human behaviour and/or experience. Doctoral studies are exclusively single-subject and have a standard duration of 4 years. Their objective is to provide essential qualifications for conducting scientific research in the field. Doctoral studies can be completed in either a full-time or a combined form. Apart from completing the essential courses and working on the dissertation project, requirements in the full-time form include providing teaching assistance and additional research or related activities at the department.

The purpose of the programme is to provide advanced education, training and supervision for highly-skilled future researchers and university lecturers in various fields of psychology. The studies involve completing a set of requirements specified by the syllabi of compulsory doctoral courses within the Course Catalogue, and conducting original research under the supervision of a supervisor, which is subsequently reported in scientific publication and, most importantly, the final Doctoral Dissertation. After successfully completing the Doctoral Degree programme, doctoral candidates are awarded the internationally valid scientific Ph.D. degree (philosophiæ doctor).

The Doctoral Degree Program Psychology is based on the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA) "Proposed Minimum Standards for Doctorate Degree in Psychology in Europe", developed by EFPA's Board of Scientific Affairs. In addition to the originality of dissertation and publications in international peer-reviewed journals, emphasis is placed on creating the meta-skills necessary for the independent management of scientific research projects and their supervision. Meta-skills include specific skills in using advanced research methods and statistics (both quantitative and qualitative), preparation of scientific lectures and posters, conducting scientific events, presenting data, preparing grant applications, reviews and publishing, teaching undergraduate students and their assessment . These skills complement the knowledge of ethics, especially the ethics of scientific research, and foreign languages. Competence development in these skills corresponds to the structure of scientific seminars.

The aim of doctoral studies is to ensure that the candidates acquire theoretical knowledge and skills, which they will be able to demonstrate through independent scientific work in their primary field. Most importantly, candidates are expected to develop a substantial capacity for integrating different sources of information and approaches from the chosen area and related areas and hone their critical and scientific thinking skills.

Candidates graduating from the PhD programme are able to integrate and critically evaluate current theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field within the broader context of evolving knowledge in psychology, which enables them to perform independent scientific research: identify important topics in recently developing lines and bodies of research; select appropriate methodological approaches for addressing research questions; identify and apply most suitable approaches to (quantitative or qualitative) data analysis; report research findings concisely and accurately in scholarly journals, at scientific conferences and professional meetings, as well as in other media targeting both the professional and the general public. The graduate is also able to pass deep knowledge of the field within the framework of pedagogical activities.

Practical training

Relevant practical experience is acquired by students during the course of study in solving general and specific assignments within the individual subjects of the recommended study plan, during the ongoing fulfillment of study duties and in the preparation of the research project of the dissertation.

Students also gain practical experience in the framework of a compulsory stay abroad at an academic or research institute, in participating in the fulfillment of the research plans of the Institute of Psychology and in teaching undergraduate students and leading bachelor's theses (supervised by a supervisor).

Further information

Career opportunities

Graduates of the Doctoral Degree Programme in Psychology have sufficient knowledge and skill to engage in independent research and educational activities in both basic and applied areas related to their primary specializations. They are therefore qualified for highly specialized scientific and educational positions in institutions concerned with basic and applied research, strategic planning, and/or education of future specialists (e.g. research institutes, universities and colleges, health-providing institutions, etc.).

Graduates from the Doctoral Degree Programme in Psychology who do not hold a Master’s degree in Psychology are qualified for scientific and academic professions only – they are NOT qualified to work as practising psychologists.

Admission requirements

Deadline for submitting applications: January 1 - April 30

Deadline for submitting documents for the admission procedure: until 15 May

Documents for the admission procedure:

  • signed CV;
  • list of publishing activities (if any);
  • doctoral thesis project (5 standard pages).
  • Documents for the admission procedure must be inserted into the e-application (rubric “Documents”) by 15 May. Applicants are required to include their full name and application number on all attached documents.

    The entrance examination takes the form of an oral discussion over the doctoral thesis project.

    For the admission procedure to the doctoral degree programme, the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University lists research/doctoral topics that are in accordance with the long-term research plans of the unit and currently solved research projects (for more details see here). In the case of a quality doctoral thesis project, the admission of an applicant with a different research/doctoral thesis topic may also be considered. Within the doctoral degree studies, emphasis is placed on the support of excellence.

    Notice: A poof of completion of a Master’s degree programme (officially certified copy of the diploma, in the case of education obtained abroad also the so-called recognition) shall be submitted by the accepted applicants upon enrolment in the studies. For the entrance examination, a proof of completion of a Master’s degree programme is not required.

Criteria for evaluation

  • Pass/fail line: 85 points (out of 100). The applicants are assessed in the following areas:

    • the doctoral thesis project (max. 30 points);
    • professional readiness (max. 40 points);
    • motivation (max. 30 points).


1 Jan – 30 Apr 2025

Submit your application during this period

Submit an application

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Arts
Type of studies Doctoral
Mode full-time Yes
combined Yes
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization No
major/minor studies No
Standard length of studies 4 years
Language of instruction Czech
Collaborating institutions
  • The Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Psychologický ústav AV ČR
Doctoral board and doctoral committees

Do you have any questions?
Send us an e-mail to

PhDr. Zdenka Stránská, Ph.D.



prof. PhDr. Marek Blatný, DrSc.



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