Study with respected experts
Our teachers and researchers are internationally renowned experts. Under their supervision, you will gain access to the world of social sciences and the humanities much more quickly.
A rich history, a powerful present, and a bright future
Our teachers and researchers are internationally renowned experts. Under their supervision, you will gain access to the world of social sciences and the humanities much more quickly.
A number of research projects are taking place at the Faculty of Arts, often in cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific and educational institutions. You will be able to have great experiences through yourstudies, by organizing conferences, or by working in professional journals.
The Faculty of Arts is one of the largest humanities faculties in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Doctoral degree students in particular can benefit from the modern research and education Centre for the Support of Humanities. The facilities include an extensive library that provides access to large-scale electronic databases of scientific publications.
Masaryk University offers a number of rector’s and dean’s grant programmes to support research, publication,and foreign research stays. The specialized university workplace will help you prepare your applications for major national and international grant projects.
Based on the cooperation between the Faculty of Arts at MU and foreign universities, you can undertake doctoral studies under shared supervision from both institutions. You will then receive two diplomas, one from Masaryk University and one from a partner foreign institution.
You can become one of the many important faculty graduates - who are outstanding personalities in public life.