Preposizioni e defocalizzazione dell’agente in italoromanzo



Rok publikování 2013
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Actes del 26é Congrés de Lingüística i Filologia Romaniques (Valencia, 6-11 de setembre de 2010), Vol. 3
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Klíčová slova Prepositions; Italo-Romance; Grammaticalisation; Cognitive grammar
Přiložené soubory
Popis The results of a preliminary investigation into the expression of the agent in the passive constructions of ancient Italian-Romance vernaculars are proposed. In particular, I address two aspects of the phenomenon that have not received adequate attention in the literature: the semantics of prepositions marking the defocalised participant (prototypically an agent) and the functional distribution of such prepositions, which seems to be semantically determined.

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