Le grammatiche e il sapere linguistico del parlante tra L1 e L2



Rok publikování 2018
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference La cultura linguistica italiana in confronto con le culture linguistiche di altri Paesi europei dall’Ottocento in poi. Atti del L Congresso della Societa di Linguistica italiana (Milano, 22-24 settembre 2016) (SLI 63)
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Klíčová slova Grammars of Italian; L2 Italian
Přiložené soubory
Popis In this contribution we describe the characteristics of some grammar textbooks of Italian as L1 and as L2 in order to verify what kind of language is proposed in the classes and what the problems related to the teaching of grammar in the context of contemporary Italian might be. If the grammar text constitutes for the Italian-speaking students an instrument of metalinguistic reflection and the exercise of pragmatic competence in the various communicative situations, it is the first linguistic reference for the immigrant student immersed in the heterogeneity of the class context during the Italian curricular hours. We have done this both with reference to Italian students, in order to examine how much of the theoretical debate on language teaching and, more generally, on the learning of an L1 has filtered through the most recent grammars, and by looking at a multilingual and multicultural school, in order to hypothesise paths for the acquisition of Italian L2 that can already be implemented in the classroom with the tool available to the language education teacher.

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